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3D Modeling
Adobe Illustrator Course
Animation 1A: Intro
Animation 1B: Animating Your Creativity
AP Computer Science
Applied Engineering IA: Introduction
Applied Engineering IB: Solving Problems Together
Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications
Basic Web Design
Biotechnician 2A: Moving into the Lab
Biotechnician IA: Introduction
Biotechnician IB: Advancements in Biotechnology
Biotechnology IA: Introduction
Biotechnology IB: Unlocking Nature's Secrets
Business Applications
Business Information Management IA: Introduction
Business Information Management IB: Data Essentials
Coding IA: Introduction MS
Coding IA: Introduction to Programming
Coding IB: Learning Python and JavaScript MS
Coding IB: Programming
Computer Basics
Computer Basics MS
Concepts of Engineering & Technology
Cybersecurity IA: Foundations
Cybersecurity IB: Defense Against Threats
Digital Art and Design MS
Digital Media
Digital Media Fundamentals IA: Introduction
Digital Media Fundamentals IB: Producing for the Web
Digital Photography IA: Introduction
Digital Photography IB: Creating Images with Impact!
Digital Photography II: Discovering Your Creative Potential
Drones Remote Pilot
Excel: Office Fundamentals
Explorations In STEM - EL
Explorations In STEM - MS
Foundations of Game Design IA: Introduction
Foundations of Game Design IB: Storytelling, Mechanics, and Production
Foundations of Programming