World Culture EL
Through a multidisciplinary approach, this project based class will allow students to discover that there is a whole world out there waiting for them to explore! Please join us for a great semester of learning about the world from a variety of different angles--through the arts and technology, students will explore various avenues: whether it's cities, states, or countries; rivers, lakes or oceans; valleys, plains, or mountains; people, places, or things; or animal, mineral, or vegetable, we'll try to cover it. We will use various forms of technology to provide the platform for inquiry based exploration including: proper use of search engines video production to present ideas in an artistic manner, game creation, map research and production, to help students wonder and question their role and place in the world around us.
* Prerequisites: None
* This course includes an optional learning experience.
* Click here for more information on this class and our other courses offered with community vendors.