Upper MS Social Studies (Hybrid)

Upper MS Social Studies (Hybrid)

The Story of the World series covers the sweep of human history from ancient times until the present. This engaging guide to other lands weaves world history into a storybook format. Designed as a read-aloud project for parents and children to share (or for older readers to enjoy alone), this series covers the major historical events in every era on each continent, with maps, illustrations, and tales from each culture. Told in a straightforward, engaging style that has become Susan Wise Bauer's trademark. Africa, China, Europe, the Americas―find out what happened all around the world in long ago times. Each Story of the World volume provides a full year of history study when combined with the Activity Book and Tests to accompany each volume of The Story of the World Text Book.

* This course includes an optional learning experience.

*This course is also offered as a National Vendor.

* Click here for more information on this class and our other courses offered with community vendors.