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1960's America
Adobe InDesign Course
African American History
Anthropology I: Uncovering Human Mysteries
Anthropology II: More Human Mysteries Uncovered
AP Art History
AP Human Geography
AP Macroeconomics
AP Microeconomics
AP Modern World History
AP Psychology
AP U. S. Government and Politics
AP United States History
Archaeology: Detectives of the Past
Business Law IA: Introduction
Business Law IB: Legal Aspects of Business
Careers in Criminal Justice 1A: Intro
Careers in Criminal Justice 1B: Finding Your Speciality
Civics (Hybrid)
Civics CR
Criminology: Inside the Criminal Mind
Economics (Hybrid)
Economics CR
EL Integrated Social Studies I
GED Prep: Social Studies
History of the Holocaust
Human Geography: Our Global Identity
Journalism IA: Introduction
Journalism IB: Investigating the Truth
Law and Order: Introduction to Legal Studies
Legal Admin Specialist IA: Intro
Legal Admin Specialist IB: Taking Care of a Legal Office
Michigan Cultures EL
ODC World History A
ODC World History B
Personal Psychology I: The Road to Self-Discovery
Personal Psychology II: Living in a Complex World
Philosophy: The Big Picture